Trading futures involves significant risk of loss and is not suitable for everyone. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. An investor must read, understand and sign a Letter of Direction for Leader-Follower® subscription services before
investing. Performance shown is for proprietary accounts owned by Larry Williams, and is not necessarily indicative of subscriber rate of return and drawdown due to fill price, slippage, funding level and other factors. Drawdown shown on this report is based on end-of-month cumulative account balance. While great care is taken in the preparation of information presented on WCA, subscribers must rely on their account statements for subscriber-specific performance of any WCA program. Net-profit
calculated using advisor’s initial investment of $20,000 in the China Gold account and $20,000 in the Emini S&P account. WCA subscription rate and standardized commission rate for each program available through any authorized AutoTrade® trading service broker. There have been no funding additions to either lead account. Subscribers funding with a balance equivalent to the advisor’s initial investment subsequent to the program inception date could experience a
drawdown that exceeds the advisor’s historic drawdown on a percentage basis. Subscribers should take this into consideration when determining the funding level of their account. Subscribers who elect to have their accounts carried by a Futures Commission Merchant that does not execute for a selected program may incur give-up fees and additional transaction fees that are not included in the results above.