Sell In May?

Published: Mon, 05/22/17

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Stock Traders Almanac

Yale Hirsch was the fellow who coined the term "Sell in May and Walk Away." In the 1960s he started publishing the Stock Traders Almanac. He has been a friend for almost 50 years. In 1974 he visited me in Montana and I taught his son Jeff to fish for trout.


Jeff has really come a long ways since then. He has taken over publishing the almanac from his father.


Last week Jeff invited me to watch a webinar he did on the "Sell in May" seasonal influence. I learned a lot, so I asked Jeff if he would be kind enough to allow my followers to watch his presentation.


Here is a link to register with Jeff's compliments ==>> Sell in May Webinar Recording




Larry Williams


PS: Jeff also has included a link to the presentation slides in case you are interested (you need to register at the above link first). Webinar Presentation Slides

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